to St. Joseph

Welcome to Mother of Mercy Catholic Hymns
My mission in creating this collection of hymns to St. Joseph and other collections that will follow is to share them with you because they mean so much to me and because some of you may never have heard them. The hymns help to remind me of my Catholic faith and the teachings of the Catholic Church. These traditional Catholic hymns can be used in a very efficacious way to instruct children, young adults, men, and women of all ages about our Catholic faith and St. Joseph’s role in salvation history and in our own personal lives.
They are a collection of the most widely used devotional hymns of the late 19th and early 20th century period from England, Ireland, and America. The hymns are a wonderful source for music directors, musicians, home educators, choir members, parishioners and those curious about Catholic hymnody.
All the hymns are from public domain hymnals with text approved by the Catholic Church which make them perfectly suited for Mass and devotions.
It is my hope that these traditional Catholic hymns will become part of a parish or choir repertoire and help renew our understanding and devotions of the Catholic Church.
If you have any questions, you can reach me by email at: dhowe@neo.rr.com
Don Howe