I was extremely gratified when the Heidi Guttermuth, Music Director of St. Paul’s Catholic Church in Akron, Ohio placed an announcement in the Music Ministries section of the parish website commending the hymn collection. Thank you Heidi for your kind words and support.
Northeast Ohio Catholic promotes Hymns to St. Joseph
I reached out to Northeast Ohio Catholic, the magazine of the Cleveland Diocese and they were pleased to run the following ad in there June 4, 2021 e-newsletter. Reaching over 16,000 subscribers!
National Catholic Register Showcases Hymns to St. Joseph
I was excited when the National Catholic Register newspaper agreed to showcase my Hymns to St. Joseph in the June 6, 2021 edition reaching over 43,000 subscribers. The National Catholic Register, owned by EWTN – is a very highly respected and loyal group of mature Catholic subscribers!